关于学习的俚语,hit the books难道是“打书”?

出自:英语语法  发布于:2021年09月09日

Check out these idioms and phrases, which can be used when talking about school and learning.看看这些习语和短语,它们可以用来谈论学校和学习。

Bite off more than you can chew好高骛远

Meaning: to take on more than you can handle意思是:承担超出你所能承受的

Example: I bit off more than I could chew when I signed up for the extracurricular activities after school.当我在放学后报名参加课外活动时,我吃得太多了。

Blow off steam发泄情绪

Meaning: to do something to get rid of stress, to do something to relax after a period of hard work意思是:做一些事情来摆脱压力,在一段时间的努力之后做一些事情来放松。

Example: After two weeks of exams Andrew and his friends went camping for the weekend to blow off steam.经过两周的考试,安德鲁和他的朋友们周末去野营消遣。


Meaning: Someone who reads a lot.意思是:一个经常阅读的人。

Example: Everyone knows she’s a real bookworm so she only got books for her birthday.每个人都知道她是个真正的书呆子,所以她只有生日的书。


Meaning: to think of new ideas意义:思考新的想法

Example: Annie didn’t have a clue how to get started with the project so she decided to brainstorm with her group.安妮不知道如何开始这个项目,所以她决定和她的小组一起集思广益。

Burn the midnight oil熬夜

Meaning: to work or read late into the night意思是:工作或阅读到深夜

Example: I had to burn the midnight oil to get ready for the test.为了准备考试,我不得不熬夜。

By heart熟记

Meaning: from memory意思:从记忆中

Example: Jane knows all the idioms by heart.简熟记所有的成语。

Cut to the chase直入主题

Meaning: get straight to the point意思是:直奔主题

Example: Cut to the chase – what’s your idea for the project?例句:开门见山-你对这个项目有什么想法?

Eager beaver对工作极有热忱的人

Meaning: someone who is enthusiastic about school or work and works very hard意思是:对学校或工作充满热情并努力工作的人

Example: She’s such an eager beaver, she never missed a lesson and always does her homework.她真是个热心的人,从不缺课,总是做作业。

Hit the books开始学习

Meaning: to study意义:学习

Example: I can’t go out this weekend, I have to hit the books because an exam is coming up.这个周末我不能出去,因为考试就要来了,我不得不看书。

Piece of cake小菜一碟

Meaning: something easy意思是:简单的事情

Example: This test was a piece of cake, I didn’t have to study so much!这次考试是小菜一碟,我用不着学那么多!

Pitch in努力投入

Meaning: contribute, help out意思:贡献,帮助

Example: Although Mary was in our group she didn’t pitch in with the project.虽然玛丽在我们组,但她没有参与这个项目。

Ring a bell听起来熟悉

Meaning: sound familiar意思:听起来很熟悉

Example: Ben didn’t cover all the material for the exam, most questions didn’t ring a bell for him.本没有涵盖考试的所有材料,大多数问题都没有给他敲响警钟。

Skip class逃课

Meaning: not go to class意思是:不去上课

Example: Lee had to go to the doctor’s this morning so he skipped class.李今天早上不得不去看医生,所以他逃课了。

Teacher’s pet宠儿

Meaning: a student who is favored by the teacher意思是:受老师宠爱的学生

Example: Nobody likes a teacher’s pet.没有人喜欢老师的宠物。

To be under the weather身体不舒服

Meaning: to fill ill含义:生病

Example: I’m under the weather, I think I’ll skip class.我不舒服,我想我要逃课了。

With flying colours出色完成

Meaning: with distinction, successfully意义:与众不同,成功

Example: I passed my final exam with flying colours.我以优异的成绩通过了期末考试。






除了thank you,还有8种表示感激的表达

在英文表达中,我们常会用到“thank you"或者”thanks"去表达自己对别人的谢意。那么,我们还能想到其他的英文表达方式吗?





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